I’ve gotten to the point where I’m thinking about leaning on a crutch on stage: a lyric app, a songbook, some loose napkins scribbled with a few words, anything. God's New Testament Economy, ch.Relying on lyric sheets or chord charts during a performance We could even say that God has called us into the enjoyment of His Son. God has called us into the participation in His Son. The Greek word for fellowship means joint participation, common participation. Also, 1 Corinthians 1:9 tells us that we have been called into the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. To fully understand 1 Corinthians 1:2, you need John 1:1, 14, and 17, John 3:16 and 34, and John 15:26. We are those who call on the name of our Lord Jesus Christ in every place, who is both theirs and ours. We are praising the Lord all the day long for the fact that Jesus is ours. We are not praising the Lord all the day long for a good house, for an expensive car, or for a heavenly mansion with golden streets and pearly gates. We all need to say happily, triumphantly, and rejoicingly-"Jesus is mine!" We all know the familiar hymn that says, "Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine Oh, what a foretaste of glory divine!" The chorus of this hymn says, "This is my story, this is my song, Praising my Savior all the day long" (Hymns, #308). The Exercise and Practice of the God-Ordained Way, ch. Such a meeting can continue as they drive together to the meeting with the other saints.

The small group meeting may begin at 7:30 p.m., but if a couple begins to sing at dinnertime, around 6:00 p.m., the small group meeting will have already begun. If we are filled in spirit, we will have something to utter. Here the glories never fail." Then the husband responds with, "Hallelujah! Hallelujah! I am living in the presence of the King" (see Hymns, #551). Or she may say, "I have passed the riven veil. The husband may say, "This is my story, this is my song, praising my Savior." Then the wife may respond with, "All the day long" (see Hymns, #308). Even in our home, it is very good to be speaking and singing. We may speak or sing a hymn, which is somewhat shorter than a psalm, or we may speak or sing a spiritual song, which is shorter still.We need to speak and sing these psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs long before coming to the meeting. Each section of Psalm 119 is according to a letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Twenty-two is the number of letters in the Hebrew alphabet. There are twenty-two sections with eight verses in each section. It may be like Psalm 119, which has one hundred seventy-six verses. We may speak or sing a psalm, which is a long piece of poetry. Our speaking and singing are not in common language. Ephesians 5 tells us to be filled, speaking and singing. When we are filled within, surely we will utter something out from our spirit. We should be filled with the Triune God, who is today the all-inclusive Spirit to us. We believers who love the Lord Jesus, who are seeking His purpose, and who are burdened for His recovery should be persons filled in our spirit all day long. Ephesians 5:18 tells us to be filled in spirit. Now we need to consider the way to have a group meeting. The Collected Works of Watchman Nee, vol. But now, in everything, we have become one mind with God. Formerly everything was outward we either walked according to our self-will, or we tried to do God's will according to our self-will.
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The soul-life which once rebelled against God's will is now brought into full submission to His will through the work of the cross and is willing to do His will wholeheartedly. Now we are doing God's will from the soul, which means carrying out His will practically and wholeheartedly. Ephesians 6:6 says more or less the same thing: "As slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from the soul." No longer do we do God's will by the soul, which is self-assurance. Indeed, "Perfect submission, perfect delight," and "Perfect submission, all is at rest". Now we consider God's will as the best and rest in Him. Formerly we were filled with our own thoughts and had many cravings and ambitions. Now we are like a weaned child, who rests in his mother's bosom.

Formerly there were constant sorrow and frustration.